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  • “Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a Princess named Flower. She searched high and low, far and wide, and asked everyone she met where to find the meaning of the words delicate and tender. Upon finding it she realized where they had been all this time, tucked away, waiting for the acceptance of self.”


    This crochet cowl is created for the person who likes flowers and introspection. It is easy to put on. Just slide it over your head and you are ready to wander in nature and enjoy the peace that flows from within.


    Yarns used:
    ¤ Fiesta - Acrylic, polyester
    ¤ Neon - Acrylic, polyester


    Hand-wash in a wool wash product like SOAK. No rinsing required! Roll in a towel to remove excess water. Lay flat to dry.
    Soak is available here


    You can make one yourself if you prefer. You can find the crochet pattern here.


    More capelets, collars, and cowls:


    Thank you so much for purchasing from my store. I love to make you something special!


    With love,
    Diana, B'cause of You

    Flower Princess Cowl, Original Design

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