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  • You're on! Steal the show in this full-body knit shawl! Captivate your audience. This showstopper knitted shawl is perfect for a bride, a singer, an actor, bridesmaids, mother of the bride or Gala attendant. Ideal for a woman who loves the color purple. Perfect for special occasions and events.

    People's reactions:
    "Oh, this is surprisingly warm and soft on my skin"
    "It's so fluffy and lightweight"

    Did I mention that it feels lavish and extravagant?!

    This fringe scarf is approximately 100" L/60" W and easily wearable to your style.

    shawl - brushed alpaca and silk
    fringe - polyamide, polyester

    For best care wash this shawl by hand, cold max 30°C / 86F in a wool wash product like SOAK. Don't use fabric softener. No rinsing required! Squeeze water out gently and roll garment in a towel to remove excess water. Dry flat.

    Soak Wool Wash is available here.

    ** This shawl is ready to ship **

    While every effort is made to accurately represent the true colors of the yarns used, monitor settings may affect the appearance of these colors on different screens.

    More Shawls:

    Thanks so much for shopping small business! You make my world a happy place!

    Diana, B'cause of You

    Purple Bridal Shawl

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